Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Best Cream Blushes

The Best Cream Blushes

Don’t call it a trend any longer: thanks to the need for aesthetic diversity, cream blush has become the cosmetic go-to for those who’ve grown tired of the basic powder and blush formula. But because it can be an adjustment to switch from tradition to “new and improved”, we’ve come up with ways to make cream blush work for your skin tone and type, which should make the embracement of crèmes over powders that much easier.

Step 1: What finish do you prefer?
Like you would when determining eye shadow tone, lipstick shade or even bronzer, before opting for your choice of cream blush, make sure you’re aware of what look you’re going for. Meaning? Are you opting for the flushed, summery vibe du jour, or are you hankering to give a dramatic edge to your daily routine? If you’re not entirely sure, you may want to stick to a shade like NARS’ Constantinople, which can easily transition from one look to the other depending on how much you’re willing to apply. But if you’re ready to embrace the drama, consider a fuchsia shade (like Montenegro) to amp up bright lips worn alongside black cigarette pants.

Step 2: Consider Skin Type
It goes without saying that our skin types vary, so because of the vast differences between one complexion and another, it’s important to look into products that offer moisturizers, SPFs, or components that won’t make you break out. Lancome’s answer to cream blushes boast high levels of jojoba wax which makes for a light and airy finish (if you’re worried about caking on more product), while The Body Shop’s brand contains Community Trade marula oil to keep your cheeks moisturized as you apply.

Step 3: Application
While the application of powder and even gel blushes seem relatively straightforward, there’s a level of variety that accompanies cream products that range from the minimal to a little more extensive. Any of MAC’s shades can be applied by both brush and by sponge (depending on what effect you’re vying for), but a more detailed application calls for the use of fingers. The same rule applies to Benefit: contained in a lipgloss-esque tube, you need only to squeeze a small amount out and rub into your cheeks. No muss, no fuss, and more importantly, no unnecessary cosmetic brushes.

Beauty Bad Habits That Make You Look Older


When it comes to creases in our skin, stress is not only the outcome, but also an underlying cause. Medical studies have proven that ongoing stress can expose one to wrinkles at a younger age (yikes!). But if you sleep through the buzz of your alarm and are frantic to get to work on time, don’t fret; stress is a normal part of life. Just make sure you don’t let it get the better of you.

How to deal:

Learn to cope with stress in a positive way. If you feel your anxiety rising and on the verge of bubbling over, turn down the temperature. Whether this means going on a 15-minute walk or listening to soothing music, taking your mind off the issue can help to shed some perspective.


We are well-aware that an over-consumption of alcohol can cause extensive harm to our liver, but your appearance too? Yes, it’s true. Alcohol interferes with the body’s ability to absorb calcium, which can result in brittle bones. In other words, your physique may appear frail long before you hit your eightieth birthday. Alcohol can also lead to aging skin and weight gain. Just remember, for every unit of alcohol consumed, you need to walk a mile to fully ditch those calories.

How to deal:
The sad truth: It takes longer for women to process alcohol than it does men. So as tempting as it may be to prove you are capable of drinking just as much as the next guy (no matter how likely the case) resist the urge. Yes, we have all been subjects to those cringeworthy “what happened last night” evenings, but for the most part, drink in moderation. Before you know it, you will be clinking your glass to rejuvenation.


Since alcohol is known to generate aging effects, it’s no surprise that smoking falls under the same category, only worse. A combination of both could be deadly. Apart from sun exposure, smoking cigarettes is the second leading cause of skin damage. Women who smoke regularly tend to notice deeper wrinkles and discolouration in the skin in their early 30s. So not only will you be throwing away money on packs of cigarettes, but on tubes of anti-aging cream.

How to deal:

Even if smoking the occasional cigarette is intended to be a social act, do not be deceived. The nicotine concentration in tobacco acts as a stimulant, which is the reason they become highly addictive. The best solution: quit before it becomes a problem. Aging effects are only one of several damaging outcomes.


The last three aging agents may have been predicted, but one typically doesn’t expect to get wrinkles from living in a prosperous city. If you live in a larger urban area, one big downfall is the amount of pollution. Toxins produce free-radicals (highly chemically reactive molecules), which can accelerate the aging process.

How to Deal:

As much as ordinary wrinkle creams can create miracles, most are not formulated to protect against environmental pollution. Yet another reason to benefit from the pureness of nature: avoid walking through highly-polluted areas when possible. You can also purchase a Phase-2 antioxidant, which is to be applied on the skin every morning before stepping outside.

Vegetables Benefits for Health

They are extremely rich source of minerals, enzymes, and vitamins. Faulty cooking and prolonged careless storage, however, destroy these valuable nutrients. Most of the vegetables are, therefore, best consumed in their natural raw state in the form of salads.

There are different kinds of vegetables. They may be edible roots, stems, leaves, fruits and
seeds. Each group contributes to the diet in its own way. Fleshy roots have energy value and
good sources of vitamin B. Seeds are relatively high in carbohydrates and proteins and yellow
ones are rich in vitamin A. Leaves, stems and fruits are excellent sources of minerals, vitamins,
water and roughage.

To prevent loss of nutrients in vegetables, it would be advisable to steam or boil vegetables in
their juices on a slow fire and the water or cooking liquid should not be drained off. No vegetable
should be peeled unless it is so old that the peel is tough and unpalatable.

In most root
vegetables, the largest amount of mineral is directly under the skin and these are lost if
vegetables are peeled. Soaking of vegetables should also be avoided if taste and nutritive value
are tobe preserved.

Friday, July 8, 2011

What to Wear During Winter

Winter for the most part is twenty to sixty degrees cooler than summertime. If you are planning to purchase clothing for the wintertime, there are several things to consider. First, ask yourself if you are going to be active and participating in a sport. You may be simply walking from your car to where you are shopping. In both instances, there are certain kinds of clothing and accessories you should consider for the winter.

      Cotton Thermal Undergarments

            Many people who are going to be in cold winter temperatures like to wear thermal underwear. Generally, thermal underwear is made of a thin layer of cotton. This added layer can help you stay outside a bit longer by trapping a layer of warm air between your skin and the thermal underwear. Thermal underwear is made out of different kinds of materials like merino, silk and polypropylene.
    Polypropylene Thermal Undergarments

        Polypropylene or polyester thermal underwear retains more heat than most other thermal underwear. This type of fabric is designed for wicking away moisture from your body. Polypropylene may be the perfect choice of underwear to wear if you are planning on outdoor winter activities like skiing, ice skating or jogging in freezing temperatures.

     Merino Thermal Undergarments

            Merino wool undergarments can be perfect for the person who will be in subzero temperatures while performing physical tasks. Merino is known to be a great moisture-managing fiber and will wick away any extra moisture from your skin. Merino is bulkier than cotton or polyester, but most people who need maximum warmth choose merino.
      Waterproof Winter Boots

            Consider buying waterproof winter boots with a removable shearling or cotton felt liner. These boots can be constructed of rubber or treated leather and lined with a warm shearling that keeps toes toasty warm on the coldest winter days. A removable liner is a benefit just in case your liner gets wet and you need to dry the liner to use the boots again. Retailers like Cabela's (see Resources) specialize in rugged boots meant for cold winters.

            Wearing wool or layers of cotton sweaters can help keep you warm during winter. Merino or cashmere wool is usually a fine weave of wool for dressier sweaters. If you dress in layers, you can remove or add layers as the temperature and conditions change. One of the most overlooked wools is alpaca. Alpaca most often comes from the alpacas of Peru. Although alpaca can be a very thick weave, it is extremely breathable and wicks away moisture impressively.

            Socks for winter can be constructed of cotton, silk or wool. Cotton socks will absorb water but may not be the warmest for winter. Consider wool or layers of silk socks under wool socks to wick away any moisture. Layers of socks are not only important for creating layers of warm air between your skin and your socks, but it is helpful if one layer gets wet to be able to remove that layer. Wet toes are more susceptible to frostbite.
  Winter Parkas

            A winter parka or jacket is crucial for winter weather. A winter parka can be waterproofed with Gore-Tex so snow, sleet, hail or rain beads off the jacket. Many parkas have other features like down liners that zip out when the weather calls for a lighter jacket.

Eating tips for children at primary school

Breakfast is important 

It is important to encourage breakfast. A good night’s sleep followed by food in the morning helps your child to stay active and concentrate at school. It also means your child is less likely to be too hungry during the morning and it can help with performance at school. Be a role model and let your child see you eat breakfast too. A bowl of cereal with milk and fresh or stewed fruit is a great starter for the whole family.

School lunches
Many schools have a canteen that offers a range of food choices. Most schools follow government guidelines to encourage healthy food choices. The food your child chooses might be high in cost and energy, but low in nutrients sometimes. An alternative is a packed lunch from home, which is a great way for your child to learn about healthy food and to help with preparation.

Lunch box suggestions include:

* Sandwiches or pita bread with cheese, lean meat, hummus and salad

 * Cheese slices, crackers with spread, and fresh or dried fruits
 * Washed and cut up raw vegetables or fresh fruits

  * Frozen water bottle or tetra pack of milk, particularly in hot weather.

School lunches – foods to limit

Highly processed, sugary, fatty and salty foods should only make up a very small part of your child’s diet. Foods to limit in everyday school lunches include:

    * Processed meats such as salami, ham, pressed chicken and Strasbourg
* Chips, sweet biscuits, and muesli bars and breakfast bars
  * Fruit bars and fruit straps
  * Cordials, juices and soft drinks.

Treats and peer pressure

Peer pressure to eat particular ‘trendy’ foods at this age is strong. Let your child eat these kinds of foods occasionally, such as at parties, special events or when the rest of the family enjoys them. It’s best to limit the amount of money children are given to spend at school or on the way home.

The occasional lolly, bag of chips or takeaway food doesn’t do any harm. If they are eaten too often, however, you might find that:

  * Not enough nourishing foods are eaten.
  * Children become overweight or obese.
  * You’re spending a lot of money – it’s much cheaper to provide homemade snacks and lunches.
    * You’re missing a chance to teach your child about healthy eating.

After-school snacks

Children of this age may have swings in appetite depending on activity levels, so allow them to choose how much they need to eat while offering a wide variety of healthy foods. Some children only eat small amounts at the evening meal, so make sure that the afternoon snack is nutritious, not just high in energy.

Snack suggestions include:

    * A sandwich with a glass of milk
    * Cereal and fruit
    * A bowl of soup and toast.

Family mealtimes

For schoolchildren, family mealtimes are a chance to share and talk about the day’s activities and events. The evening meal together is an important time to do this.

Family mealtime suggestions include:

    * Allow talk and sharing of daytime activities.
 * Avoid distractions such as the television, radio or the telephone.

   * Let your child decide when they are full – don’t argue about food.
  * Allow children to help with preparing meals and shopping.
  * Teach some simple nutrition facts such as ‘milk keeps your bones strong’.

Suggestions include:

    * Children should be encouraged to drink plain water.
 * Sweet drinks such as cordials or fruit juice are not needed for a healthy diet and aren’t recommended.

    * A glass of milk (or a tub of yoghurt or slice of cheese) equals a serve of dairy food. Three serves are needed each day for calcium.

Exercise and activity

Physical activity is an important part of good health. Try to encourage your child to do something active each day, such as a hobby, play a game or be involved in sport. Some parents may also worry about their child’s weight.

For primary school children 60 minutes of activity is recommended each day, and no more than two hours of watching TV, DVDs or computer games.

To increase your child’s activity, try to:

  * Limit the amount of time spent watching television for the whole family.
 * Do something physical and active together.

   * Go and watch your child play sports.

   * Encourage daily activity, not just exercise.

   * Use the car less – that means everyone!

Healthy tips for school-aged children
Suggestions include:

    * Children need a variety of different foods each day.

   * Snacks are an important part of a healthy diet for active children.

    * Make snacks nutritious, not just high in energy.

   * Plan to share meals as a family.
    * Enjoy talking and sharing the day’s happenings at mealtimes.
  * Let children tell you when they’re full.

   * Give your child lunch to take from home.

   * Let children help with food preparation and meal planning.
  * Encourage physical activities for the whole family.
  * Encourage children to drink plain water.

Where to get help

    * Your doctor

    * An Accredited Practising Dietitian, contact the Dietitians Association of Australia

    * School nurse

    * Parentline (24 hours) Tel. 132 289

Things to remember

    * Snacks are an important part of a healthy diet for active children, so offer nutritious as well as high energy snacks.

   * Let children help with food preparation and meal planning.
  * It is important to encourage breakfast, because a good night’s sleep followed by food in the morning helps your child stay active and concentrate at school.
 * Limit screen time and aim for some physical activity every day.

easy and fast weight loss ideas

easy and fast weight loss ideas

    * Make water your favorite drink. A person must have a minimum of 8 glasses of water in a day. Avoid taking soft drinks or carbonated beverages; moreover replace them with water. Water helps in reducing weight in the most effective manner.

    *  Don't stuff yourself with food in a single sitting; instead have 5 to 6 small meals or snacks in a day. Eating several small meals helps the body to release less insulin, which keeps blood sugar steady and helps to control hunger.

    * Make a habit of walking. Instead of driving car to the nearby market, prefer walking down. Walking is more important for people in sedentary jobs. Walk for at least 45 minutes every day; it helps in burning extra calories.

    * Keep small plates for serving food because a study shows that the less food put in front of us, the less food we'll eat. So downsize your food plates and coffee mugs, and say goodbye to those extra calories.

   * Eat more vegetables during meals as water-rich foods like zucchini, tomatoes, and cucumbers reduce your overall calorie consumption. Some other water-rich foods include soups and salads; they are good source of nutrition.

   * Use vegetables to make hefty meals. Like pasta salad loaded with vegetables like broccoli, carrots, and tomatoes can be eaten twice. Same applies for stir-fries; add vegetables to make a fluffier omelet.

   * Avoid taking white foods as they contain large amounts of carbohydrates, which may further lead to weight gain. Replace white sugar, white rice, and white flour with whole grain breads and brown rice.
  * Switch to ordinary coffee because coffee drinks at shops has extra calories, owing to whole milk, whipped cream, sugar, and sugary syrups. A cup of regular coffee, having skim milk brewed with good beans, tastes great and moreover has fewer calories.
 * Use skimmed milk as it is high in calcium and low in calories. For coffee, use nonfat powdered milk.
    * Prefer eating cereal for breakfast five days a week. Following this, you will consume more fiber and calcium, and less fat than those who eat other breakfast foods.

   * Prefer having meals at home. We're more likely to eat more - in fact, more high-fat, and high-calorie foods- when we eat out than eating at home.
  * Try to eat slowly and put your fork or spoon down after every bite. Drink water often and talk about your day with your partner. If you eat slowly, you would feel contended with your meal.
  * Eat only when your stomach wants food. Usually out of boredom, nervousness, habit, or frustration; many of us unnecessarily have food. If you want to have something specific, it's probably a craving, not hunger.
    * Prefer flavorings like hot sauce, salsa, and Cajun seasonings rather than butter and creamy or sugary sauces. These flavorings not only provide flavor with no fat and few calories, but the spicy ones also turn up digestive fires, causing your body to burn more calories.
 * Eat fruit rather than drinking fruit juice. Eating whole foods will keep you satisfied for longer period of time than juice. Moreover, fruit juices are very high in calories.

   * Eat equal portions of vegetables and grains at dinner. A cup of cooked rice or pasta has about 200 calories, while a cup of cooked veggies has just 50 calories. This will help to avoid a grain calorie overload, and high-fiber veggies will help satisfying your hunger.
    * After every two hours, get up and walk around the office or your home for five minutes. A brisk five-minute walk after every two hours will you're your body active.
  * Once a week, make a habit of washing something thoroughly - could be floor, windows, shower cabin, bathroom tiles, car, etc. It helps in burning out about four calories for every minute spent in cleaning.
 * Take a walk before dinner and it'll not only burn calories, but also cut down your appetite.
    * Prefer not eating with a large group as we tend to eat more when we eat with other people, probably because we spend more time at the table. When eating in groups take a note of time and leave the plate, as and when you have had enough.
  * Skip watching TV for an hour and go for a walk instead. Or else, you have now time to finish your domestic chores.
 * Take most of the calories before noon because studies tell that the more you eat in the morning, the less you'll eat in the evening. Moreover, you will get more chances to burn off those early-day calories than late-night calories.
  * Order alcohol by the glass, not the bottle. This way, you'll be more aware of how much alcohol you're intaking. Alcohol is high in calories, however moderate drinking can be good for your health.
  * Stock your refrigerator with low-fat yogurt. Cut down 500 calories a day from your diet and eat yogurt three times a day for 12 weeks. It will help you lose more weight and body fat.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Tips for Healthy Teeth

# Brush your teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and clean between your teeth daily with floss or an interdental cleaner. This takes just a few minutes a day. Use a correct toothbrush, and brush and floss correctly.

# Eat a balanced diet for good overall health, selecting a variety of foods from the five main food groups (bread, cereals, and other grain products; fruits; vegetables; meat, poultry, fish and alternatives; milk, cheese, and yogurt), and limit snacks.

# See your dentist regularly for a dental examination and professional cleaning - a key to helping prevent tooth decay and gumdisease.

# If you experience the following, then you have chances of a periodontal disease:
Gums bleeding during brushing
Red and/or swollen gums
Gums that have pulled away from the teeth, Pus between the teeth and gums
Bad breath
Loose teeth

# Ask your dentist about cosmetic options for improving the appearance of teeth that are stained or chipped.

# Don't use tobacco products; they can increase your risk of gum disease and cancer of the mouth and throat.

# Don't chew on hard objects that could crack a tooth.

# Don't ignore gums that bleed when you brush or floss or changes in the way your teeth fit together when you bite.

# Wear a mouth guard when playing active sports

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

the Top 10 Unhealthy Foods

It is a fact that we need to eat in order to live. You may be familiar with the operate empty calories. These refer to foods providing no market value to your health. With the ongoing popularity of processed foods, that of these types of are hazardous to your health? Here is the list of the top 10 unhealthy foods revealed:

1. Carbonated drinks - think twice before substituting water in on this beverage. This food has absolutely no expense to your health. It is actually full of sugar making it bad for your teeth and its acid content is not astronomical for your stomach.

2. French fries - This may be one of the most popular foods that is available to fast food chains but surely not the most ideal idea to buy. It is full of fat and contains carcinogens that are known to be cancerous.

3. Artificial juices - Go for the natural fruit instead. Most powdered juices contain a lot of sugar and artificial paints and flavorings.

4. Hot dogs - The most convenient food to serve to your kid since no skepticism he/she will surely love it but it has a lot of salt and monosodium glutamate.

5. Instant noodles and ramen - Widely popular especially to people who have minimal time to prepare food. It contains a lot of salt furnishing it an unhealthy food since when consumed consistently will affect your kidneys.

6. Burger - Another very tasty food who has no value to your health from the time all it performs is contributing to the blockage of your arteries.

 7. Canned goods - This type of processed food is full of additives.

 8. Coffee - Although it is an effective way to jump-start your day, it surely is not a good idea if you don't want to age easily.

9. Artificial sweeteners - Created to alternative sugar, it was discovered out that there are half effects to long-term use. Try natural sweeteners instead like honey.

10. "Health foods" - some manufacturers pass the product as healthy foods. Don't forget to read the fine print. Chances are, it is full of calories.



Easy tips for healthy Eating

Do you think that it is difficult to develop healthy eating habits? No, it is not true: it is easy, simple, and it will give you some health benefits. A healthy diet can help you have more energy and help boost your mood. Eat well to live a healthy life. This helps in a better complexion, stronger bones, healthier muscles, energy for optimal growth and development. Doctors say that a balanced diet means getting the right types and amounts of  foods and drinks to supply nutrition and energy. Also they say that what you eat is one of the most important factors in determining your overall health: healthy eating helps in healthy living. What should you eat for a healthy, balanced diet? Here are some suggestions.

Eat a wide variety of food: fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, low-fat dairy products, lean meat, poultry, fish. These are high in complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals, low in fat, and free of cholesterol.

In order not to gain weight you do not have to eat more food than your body can utilize. How to maintain a balance between calorie intake and calorie expenditure? This is the secret: exercise and other physical activity are essential.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Waxing Tips For Great Results

Use the following waxing tips to make the procedure a little less intimidating:

        1. If you are going to be out in the sun after a waxing session, use a good sun blockers to the skin doesn't appear to be darker in the treated area. Alternatively, stay out of the sun for 48 hours after waxing.

        2. As waxing preparations contain chemicals, make sure your skin will not react negatively by just testing a small area first in a place that's not so visible.

        3. Make sure the hair is at least one eighth of an inch long before the hair removal session.

        4. The wax needs to really adhere closely to the skin so remove any oil or lotion residue by washing thoroughly and then DRYING thoroughly before using the wax.

        5. Heat the wax to a soft consistency. Avoid it becoming runny. Also try it on a small area to make sure you have not overheated it and thus avoid the risk of burning the skin.

        6. If you find the pain factor too much, try using an anesthetic numbing spray. Be sure to apply it thirty minutes to one hour before the waxing session to ensure the skin is properly numbed.

        7. Hold the spatula or application tool at a 45 degree angle as you spread the wax on the skin and make sure you apply a thin layer in the direction the hair is growing.

        8. If you are using cotton strips, leave about one third of it free so you have enough to allow for a good grip on the strip so you can pull it back in a nice swift smooth action. Also when pressing it onto the skin, rub it in the direction in the hair is growing.

        9. Gently pull on the skin to make it taught before you rip off the cotton strip.

        10. Don't pull the strip up, don't pull it out - just pull it back as close as possible to the skin with one swift movement.

        11. Avoid a series of light pulls. Instead do it in one rapid movement. Doing repeated pulls can be more painful and leave patches.

        12. If you are removing facial hair, heat the wax to a temperature a little lower than the rest of the body. The face is a sensitive area! Treat a small area at a time.
        13. You can remove residue and excess wax afterward with a warm, moist towel.

        14. Hair absorbs water and makes it soft, not a good condition when trying to grip it in wax and pull it out! So don't shower or wet the hair before you wax. Make sure the hair is dry and it will come out easier.

        15. You will probably want to wear loose fitting clothing after a waxing session to avoid the skin becoming irritated. Also, tight fitting clothing on freshly waxed areas can contribute to painful ingrown hairs.

        16. Exfoliate the skin using a Loofa sponge or other exfoliation accessory between one and two days after waxing. This gets rid of dead skin and helps prevent ingrown hairs.

        17. Don't wax on skin affected by acne. Wait for it to recover and heal before trying to remove hair.

        18. Some find that deep breathing exercise also help. Just breathe in through the nose, hold your breath for a few seconds, and then slowly let it out through the mouth. You will find the body relaxes more easily. Also it has the interesting effect of relaxing hair follicles so they let go of the hair a little more easily with constricting.

        19. A very simple precaution is to press firmly with the finger or the palm of the hand IMMEDIATELY after you pull the waxing strip away. This can drastically reduce the discomfort.

        20. Rubbing the area with an ice cube right afterwards is also recommended. This can help calm down protesting nerve endings.

Apply Makeup in 10 Easy Steps

1- Apply a concealer that is one shade lighter than your foundation. Dot it on over any blemishes or under-eye circles and blend with your fingertips or a makeup sponge. If your concealer tends to cake, apply eye cream first.

2- Choose foundation that matches your skin tone exactly. Apply it in dots over the central part of your face, then blend it out with a makeup sponge or your fingertips until it covers your entire face.
 3- Use a loose or pressed powder to keep foundation and concealer on longer. Use pressed powder to touch up when you're away from home.
4- Do your eyebrows next. Use powdered eyebrow shadow on brows instead of pencil, which can often look unnatural. Apply it with a hard, slanted brush.

 5- Choose three colors of eye shadow: light, medium and dark. Use the dark only to line your upper eyelid, in a fairly thin line along the upper lashes. Use the medium shade for the crease and the lightest shade for the area under the eyebrow. There are many variations on eye shadow application techniques .
6- Apply eyeliner. Use a cake eyeliner with a damp, thin liner brush, or an eyeliner pencil, and line the lower lid below the lashes. Line only the outer two-thirds of the lower lid, or all the way across if you're trying to achieve a darker look. Line all the way across the upper lid (just above the lash line and as close to the lashes as possible), or start the line where your lashes begin.

 7- Apply mascara to upper and lower lashes, in two thin coats to avoid clumpiness. Choose brown mascara if your coloring is fair; black or brown-black works well for darker coloring. Or try a colored mascara such as navy or plum for fun, but don't go too bright if you want to be taken seriously.

8-  Smile to find the apples of your cheeks, and apply blush to the apples or below, whichever you prefer. If you have to blend in blush, it's too bright.

9- Choose a lipstick color that's suited to your skin tone and that's perfect for your day look. You can mix colors and textures to suit your moods and your outfits .
10- Line lips after applying lipstick, not before. That way you won't end up with a dark circle of lip liner after your lipstick has worn off. Avoid combining very dark lip liner and pale lipstick.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Top 10 Eye Makeup Tips

1. Keep you eye liner pencils in the fridge. Kohl can get soft and smudgy in the sun. Refrigerate the pencils before you sharpen then. As the kohl hardens, it would be easier to sharpen and to work with right out of the fridge.

2. Use a white eye pencil to line the insides of your lower lash line. The white would make your eyes brighter. Be careful you don't hurt your eyes though.

3. Depuff your eyes before you use eye makeup. Lie down with your eyes shut an a slice of cucumber over each eye.

4. Use a concealer to hide the dark circles, even if you want to go for smoky eye makeup.

5. For dramatic eyes, there is no need to go for a rainbow of colors. You could do it subtly with an electric blue eyeliner on nude eye shadows, or play up your eyes with a single bright color like violet, or even orange, but offset it with neutrals like browns, grays and blacks.

6. For cats eyes, try a liquid eye liner on the upper lash line. Start with a thin line from the inner corner, but thicken the line dramatically from the center of the eye outwards and wing out. Draw the line thick and upwards at the outer corner of each eye.

7. For day to night makeup, start off with browns and neutral eyeshadow. Okay, pink and peach would do fine too as long as the color isn't too shocking. For night, add on a vivid color from lash to crease. And play up the eyes with a strong eyeliner.

8. Use metallic eyeshadow for glamour. A light touch of shimmer over the center of the eyelid and on the brow bone would suffice for day. For night, you could go for gilded eyelids, painting the entire eyelid gold or silver or a strong metallic for glamour.

9. Groom your eyebrows. There is no need to pluck them to a fine line. You could simply comb them upwards and trim them with a tiny pair of scissors if they are unruly.

10. Comb your lashes after applying mascara. Keep a clean, dry masacara wand to separate your lashes after each application of mascara. Use a mascara that builds length and fullness without going brittle or flaking or clumping. Lancome Hypnose mascara [] is a pretty good mascara which builds length easily and stays soft.

Top 10 Makeup Tips

1. You can use a highlighter to brighten your makeup. A Highlighter Concealer covers critical areas such as shadows and lines resulting in a natural glow. Apply directly over blusher, mix with blusher, or use just above blusher and around the eyes. Also use under the eyebrows and a touch down the nose. This will significantly brighten the face. After the finish make-up use to cover circles under the eyes, sides of nose, corners of lips and hallows of the chin etc. Blend lightly with your fingertips and brush with powder. The Highlighter can also be applied first, let dry and then apply your normal make-up. For full eyes, use the Highlighter as an eye shadow by applying to the upper end of the eyelid.

2. The most important makeup products that should be used daily are concealer, eyebrow pencil, mascara, and lip color. Concealer will make you look less tired. Eyebrow color will give your eyes more character. Remember, you do raise your brows when you are surprised. Mascara will make your eyes appear larger than they are and more open. Lastly, lipcolor accentuates a lovely smile. Now you´re ready to greet the world.

3. A fresh and natural look in makeup would be wearing a tinted moisturizing cream, a light blush or bronzer for your cheeks, a light coating of mascara and lipgloss. Let your natural beauty show through!

4. Makeup Trick For Red Eyes Try cool cotton compresses with an alcohol free toner. Cucumber slices may be beneficial if you want to try a more natural method. Now for the makeup. Use a minimal amount. Play up your lips instead. Apply a neutral color eyeshadow. If you must wear mascara, opt for a waterproof type, in black or black brown. Skip the colored ones except for navy, which would whiten the whites of your eyes. Try a bright blue pencil below your lower lashes. This should do the trick.

5. "Pretty and sexy" comes from within as well as how you wear your makeup. Wear a minimal amount of makeup, i.e. blush, lipcolor, and mascara. Smile, have a friendly attitude, and you will glow..

6. For someone with copper colored hair, warm earth tones are best. For the eyes wear a bronze or gold eyeshadow with a teak eyeliner. Lipstick in a rust with a gold accent is very pretty.

7. For minor mishaps...Did you smear your mascara? Is your blusher or eyeshadow too dark or the wrong color? For a quick and easy spot removal, use a Q-tip dipped in makeup remover. It´s easy to get into a small area without having to start all over and it works great!

8. Benefits of Loose Powder To get a fresh-faced look with face powder, applying moisturizer then a concealer to lightly cover discoloration. Apply a neutral eye shadow and light coat of mascara. Blend a soft bronzer or neutral blush on your cheeks. Apply a light coat of loose powder. Finish with dewy lip gloss. Loose powder has many benefits compared to heavier pressed powder. Very light, loose powder will not seep into your pores as easily. Loose powder covers more evenly and creates a professional look. Loose powde can be used both day and night. You can apply loose powder several times without it looking caked on.

9. Cosmetics have "gone bad" if they smell funny or if the formula has separated or dried out. Be especially careful with products used near the eyes as this is a sensitive area. If you suddenly react to a product that you have used faithfully, there may be bacteria forming, and therefore you have a reaction.

10. Beauty consultants help customers choose cosmetics and show them how to use them. Beauty consultants should: be good at selling, be helpful, friendly and polite have some artistic ability and a gentle touch for applying make-up and giving and or discuss facials with their clients.

Curly Hair Don'ts

DON’T brush your hair

If anything, use a wide-toothed comb. As anyone with curly hair knows, brushing your hair is a recipe for disaster—the brush’s job is to untangle your curls, which basically undoes them. This results in a frizzy mess of who-knows-what. You may choose to brush your hair in the shower, between shampoos, so that your hair is untangled but automatically recurls itself.

DON’T blow-dry your hair without a diffuser

Heat and curly hair are not the best of friends. However, a diffuser controls the focus of the heat and will allow your hair to dry in a safer manner. When you do blow-dry your hair, be careful not to do so for too long, as you want to limit the exposure to heat. Heat lifts the external layers of your hair, allowing moisture to escape and creating frizz.

DON’T straighten your hair often

Tampering with your hair’s natural oils and applying heat to your hair can damage it. One of the greatest advantages to curly hair is that it can easily be rendered shiny, sleek and straight (whereas straight hair, sorry, will never come close to looking as real as true curls). However, you really shouldn’t use a straightener often, as the heat can damage curls and even lessen the curliness of your hair (in a bad way).

DON’T use products to mend split ends

It won’t work. The best you can do is keep your hair moisturized, which should help prevent split ends. Otherwise, make a trip to the hairdresser because it’s time for a trim.

DON’T cut your hair too short

Unless your curls are fine or gentler in nature, curly hair tends to expand, rather than follow the shape of your head, so a short hairstyle may transform into the popular afro of the seventies. Unless this is the look you hope to achieve, and depending on your curls, you may or may not be able to get away with a shorter style; you may want to stick to layers, which make curly hair look amazing.

DON’T get stressed

Sounds much easier said than done, but stress can cause premature shedding. You shed about 100 strands of hair a day, so imagine how much hair stress can cause you to lose!

DON’T let frizz get you down

Frizz is probably the reason you get frustrated with your curls; without frizz, your curls would be the envy of every woman who looks your way. Most curly-haired women find frizz is the greatest issue when treating their hair. This may tempt you to pile on the hair product, but try to limit yourself to a few trustworthy products that work for your hair. Pouring cold water on your hair at the end of your shower, or adding a blast of cold air from your blow dryer, will close your cuticles (your hair’s external layer), reducing frizz the natural way. When cuticles are smooth, light will reflect off your hair, giving it a shiny, clean look.

Bad Beauty Habits

Stop biting your nails

It may seem like an innocent way to unleash your stress, but when you chew on your nails, you run the risk of ingesting the nasty bacteria that linger underneath. (Not to mention the cracked, split nails and painful hangnails you’ll pick up along the way.) Kick the habit by treating yourself to a manicure. If your nails are pristine and polished, you’ll have a harder time taking out your stress on them. Not the polish type of girl? Tuck a travel-size nail file in your purse for on-the-go weak moments.

Don’t leave home without sunscreen

Sunscreen and summertime always go hand in hand but the winter months pose similar sun threats. Any sun exposure without adequate protection is a direct cause of premature aging, including increased wrinkles and age spots. Extensive sun damage also increases your chances of developing various skin cancers. To break this unhealthy pattern, make sunscreen a part of your morning routine by using a daily facial moisturizer with an SPF already built in (I like Dove’s Deep Moisture Day Lotion with SPF 15).

Don’t pick at pimples

It may be the most satisfying part of your beauty routine, but popping and prodding your pimples will do you no good. Indulging in this nasty habit can leave you with permanent scars, infection, and in a lot of cases, squeezing a pimple will actually push the bacteria and oil even deeper into the glands. Break the habit by using this DIY spot treatment: crush an ibuprofen and create a thick paste with some water. Apply directly to the pimple, let dry, then wash off for reduced swelling and redness.

Not taking your eye makeup off before bed

You just got home from a night out and the first (and only) thing you want to do is head to bed. But leaving your eye makeup on overnight can cause major eye irritation and inflammation while blocking your skin’s natural ability to repair itself. Other awful side effects include clogged glands, dry skin and eyelashes more prone to falling out. If time is your biggest issue, skip the cleanser and invest in some moist makeup remover wipes, which will take off the day’s grime in seconds.

Touching your face constantly

Touching our face is a beauty crime we’re all guilty of doing. The trouble is that you transfer excess oil and dirt from your fingers to your pores, which can cause breakouts and even worse, infection. This habit is especially hazardous during the cold and flu season, when bacteria and viruses are widespread and likely to be on your hands. It may be tricky to break the pattern, so carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer in your purse to disinfect your hands before you primp.

Friday, July 1, 2011

5 Healthy Lunch Ideas

Sick and tired of opening your lunch bag at work each day to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, or better yet left over mac and cheese? Who has time to cook when you have a 12-hour day including work, commuting and running errands? When you live on your own and you don’t have another person to cook for it’s easy to just plan on buying a McDonald’s wrap for lunch. But, Paul Gill, Personal Trainer and Nutritionist from Gill Training provides some tips for healthy eating and a few ideas for creating a healthy and well-balanced lunch every day.  
 “Women aged 19 to 30 should be getting 1900 to 2350 calories per day. The more active you are, the more calories you require. But if you are trying to promote fat loss reduce your caloric intake by up to 20 percent. Instead of eating 3 meals a day, it’s much healthier to eat 5 smaller meals.  At 3 meals, each should be about 700 calories and should balance the 3 types of macronutrients: fat, carbohydrates both fibrous and starchy, and protein,” says Paul.

Here are 5 healthy lunch ideas that are easy to make and good for both your body and soul:

For the Vegetarian: Cottage Cheese mix with a side of bean salad, 680 calories
For this meal, it’s a cottage cheese bowl with blueberries, rich in calcium, vitamin D and C, and a source of antioxidants. As a side, eat a black bean salad mixed with canola oil, a half cup of celery, and spice it with refreshing cilantro, basil and lemon juice.

For the Vegan: Spicy Stir-Fry 697 Calories
For this vegan friendly meal mix 1-cup soybean, 1-cup chickpeas, 1.5 cups broccoli and 4 tsp sunflower oil. Add a tablespoon each of chili peppers and lemon juice for an extra kick. The soya beans are rich in fiber and magnesium, while the chickpeas are a great source of folic acid, a nutrient important for women who plan to have children down the road.  

For the Fishitarian: Tuna Salad 632 Calories
Mix 7 oz tuna, a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids with ¾ cup of white beans rich in potassium and iron, and 1.5 cups cherry tomatoes quartered with 4 teaspoons olive oil and scallions or red pepper to taste. Add spice to the dish with celery, black pepper, and lemon juice. Try to avoid canned tuna because of high levels of mercury and opt for fresh fish cooked and then shredded into pieces, the difference in taste alone is worth the extra effort.

For the Meat Eater: Chicken Breast Sandwich with veggie fixings:  571 Calories
Make a chicken breast sandwich, high in Vitamin B on whole wheat bread, a good source of fibre, vitamin B and iron. The bread should be coated with olive oil, a good source of fat (no not mayo!). Ideally the chicken breast would be home made and not processed deli meat, which contain huge amounts of salt. As for making the chicken more lively you can add the following herbs to the chicken during cooking:0.5 tbsp Italian seasoning, 0.25 tsp black pepper, 1 tbsp lemon juice. Add interest to your meal with veggies like tomatoes, pickles, avacado, or lettuce according to your taste!

For the omg-I-forgot-to-pack-lunch Lady: Fast food that won’t make you look frumpy
“When eating out I always remind clients to balance the three macronutrients as if you are eating home cooked meals. Just make sure nothing in the meal is deep fried, or covered with sugar or salt.  All of these ingredients are cheap and make food taste amazing, but they make you pack on the calories.” The following are some nutritious options for when you are on the go. At Subway Restaurants opt for a 6-inch turkey breast sub on wheat with double the meat, oil dressing and all the vegetables you can handle. Healthy Greek’s whole wheat chicken wrap with a house salad & balsamic vinaigrette dressing also balances out one’s nutrition needs. Or grab Wendy’s Mandarin Chicken salad with a side-baked potato; remember no fried foods, so resist the temptation to change your side to fries!

Spring 2011 Fashion: All You Need to Know

Despite what May’s temperament would have us believe, spring has arrived, and it’s safe to bring out those “can’t wait to wear” pieces you picked up in winter. But while January’s must-haves now seem overshadowed by April top 10 lists, the season’s trends aren’t as fickle as we may think. So to put your mind at ease, we’ve come up with a simple set of rules to keep in mind while embracing spring and summer.

The same rules apply. True, we’ve seen the rise of pajama wear, neon, 70s fashion and ankle-length florals, but while you may think that 2011 is defined by a whole lot of “don’t”, the same standard fashion rules apply to a season defined by eccentricities. Outfits still require balance (read: no baggy pants with a baggy, unbelted shirt), colour blocking still requires an anchor (stick with a theme, or don a neutral) and less is more (no prints, with prints, with prints and prints, please). Unless you’re talking about skirt length and t-shirt material – more fabric isn’t always a bad thing.

Dress up, don’t play “dress up". The beauty of the spring 2011 landscape is that several decades maintain an influence, and grandiose statements are not to be shied away from. However, with such an emphasis on the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s, it can be easy to date yourself (or to look like an extra on Mad Men/Cold Case/Reality Bites), so to keep vintage aesthetics looking modern and fresh, add a piece from the 2011 circuit (like cut-out boots, bright colour or a denim jacket), and take pride in dressing up – not playing dress-up.

Eclecticism reigns supreme. Gone are the days of “wasp” fashion, or super-preppy go-to looks. And thanks to the combination of street style with runway highlights, spring 2011 has been defined by its original takes on seasonal staples, with the importance of personal interpretation being stressed. Think of this spring as an adventure in shopping: while you may like a store or a designer, it’s safe to assume that you’ll only buy specific pieces, and infuse several items together to create an outfit that’s uniquely you.

Take risks. “Eclecticism” is not synonymous with “boring”, and while you may have a comfort zone defined by skinny jeans, oxford shoes or button-up dress shirts (don’t we all?), spring 2011 calls for the embracement of risks and the celebration of change. Do you have to go out and buy a new wardrobe? Absolutely not. But if you’ve committed to the same aesthetic for the past four seasons, you may want to invest in a new jacket, new boots or even some colour, just to keep your version of springtime clothes fresh and interesting.

How to Choose What Color to Wear?

1. Understand that color is based on seasons and every person's coloring can be described as a season. There are two characteristics that determine which season's palette that you can best wear: warm or cool and clear or muted. If your coloring is warm and clear you are a "spring", if you are cool and clear you are a "winter", warm and muted is "autumn" and cool and muted is "summer."
2. Realize that warm skin tones tend to have yellow undertones, while cool ones have blue. These undertones are very subtle and often difficult to see but if you have quite golden skin or appear sallow then you are warm. Blue undertones can often be seen as red cheeks or slight ruddiness.
3. Learn that if your coloring is clear then it will probably be one of your most noticeable features. You will have a large contrast between your hair, skin and eyes and your skin will have a slight translucent quality. If you are muted, however, there will be a less noticeable contrast and you may have some ash tones in your coloring. Your coloring will probably be softer than that of a clear person.
4-.Pick colors for your features and seasons
Pick colors for your features and seasons
Find out which colors belong to your season's particular palette. You will probably be able to find out whether a color suits you if it has the same characteristics as are found in your coloring. If you are a spring, you will suit warm, clear colors, such as salmon or lime. Winters can wear cool, clear colors such as black, white and navy blue. Autumns can best wear warm, muted colors like olive green or terracotta and summers look best in cool, muted colors such as burgundy or pastels. Most people are naturally drawn to their best colors so this can also be an indication.
5. Realize that many people can wear colors from another palette that shares characteristics with their own season's palette. You can work out which of these colors you can wear by deciding whether you are (if you are a spring) most noticeably warm or clear. If you are predominantly clear, for example, you will also be able to wear many winter colors. Someone who was warm and clear, predominantly clear, would be a spring-winter.


* Not sure if you are warm or cool coloration? Use the "Gold and Silver Test". In front of a mirror, put a piece of metallic gold fabric or paper near your face, then do the same with a metallic silver piece of fabric or paper. (You can also do this with the back of your arm, especially if you have a tan). You can see more of a bluish or yellowish tint

* Quick color reference guide:
o Fair skin, try grey
o Beige skin, try blue
o Golden skin, try green
o Bronze skin, try orange
o Deep skin, try red or pink
* If you want to wear a color that is not in your seasonal palette, the best way to do this would be to wear it while having one of your best colors with it. This works with most colors. For example, a spring could wear a grey that was not usually her best color if she uplifted it with say, a warm, jewel green top.
* You don't necessarily have to totally ban any color in your wardrobe, even if it clashes with your complexion. What's most important tends to be what's near your face. So, if you love bubble-gum pink, but it simply doesn't match your coloration, you can still wear a pink skirt, or enjoy pink handbags, shoes, and so on...just avoid it as a shirt color.
* Realize no single color is entirely "off-limits" due to your coloring. It often depends on the hue, color make-up and so on of the garment. You might look horrible in a mustard but radiant in a pastel yellow, for instance.
* The color coral usually looks good with all skin tones.

Summer Hair SOS

Regular swimmers know all too well that a steady diet of pool-water makes hair look bad and feel worse. Not only does it damage hair, but it can also give you an unwanted dye job. Chlorine itself is not the culprit here – the chemical actually causes minerals already present in water (like copper) to oxidize, hence the not-so-pretty green hue (think the Statue of Liberty). Blondes have it especially bad with the green factor, but bottled blondes have it even worse.  In fact, any hair that’s been chemically treated will be more porous, and therefore, more susceptible to chlorine damage. On the bright side, there’s a lot you can do to keep your mane in shape while you swim. Throw your hair a life-saver with these tips.

Poolhead Prevention
The easiest way to keep your hair from completely absorbing harmful pool water is to make sure it’s already been saturated by something else. Your best option is to douse your hair in the shower before swimming, rub in a little conditioner, and throw on a bathing cap. If you can’t bear the thought of donning that cap, just wetting your hair completely under the shower will also help. Once swim-time is over, cleanse your hair with a gentle shampoo and a heavy-duty conditioner, and rinse thoroughly. And air-dry if you can – already-weakened strands could break under the stress of the blow-dryer.

It Ain’t Easy Being Green
If you’ve already had a chlorine overdose and your hair is sporting a shade Oscar the Grouch would be proud of, there are a few things you can try to get your hair colour back to normal. First of all, there are several swimmer’s hair products on the market specifically formulated to help remove the green caused by chlorinated water. If you don’t have access to those or just want to try something at home before buying anything, you can also mix up a solution of water and crushed-up aspirin, baking soda or apple cider vinegar – all of these home remedies are known to help clarify hair. We also hear that ketchup helps neutralize the green tint, but we prefer to keep the condiments on our hot dogs.

More of a Beach Girl?
Salt water and sun are no picnic for your mane, either. Follow some of the same rules above before you hit the beach. Pre-swim, wet your hair and comb through some conditioner. To protect your strands from the sun’s rays, look for a conditioning spray or leave-in conditioner with SPF.

tips to lose weight

1. Exercise

You must seriously be prepared to do some form of exercise if you want to lose weight so take on something - something is better than nothing. 8/10

Well, there you have it, 100 ways to lose weight. I hope you're still awake and some of them actually appealed to you.

On the subject, I apologize for removing some of your excuses for not budging some of that stubborn fat now.

Really, 100 reasons, maybe I should make that 100 apologies.

I understand weight loss can be difficult, after all, healthy food is expensive sometimes and junk food tastes good and is cheap and fast. Not to mention that exercise is hard and can make you tired.

However there are a lot of us who eat right and exercise and don't complain.

I wish you best of luck with your weight loss and if there is anything I can do for you then jsut let me know?

2. Eat Less

Reduce your calorie intake below your calorie expenditure and you will lose weight - it's not rocket science, cut the 3 course feasts and eat moderate meals - simple, yes?

This doesn't mean you can't eat and lose weight, you just need to be smarter about what you eat.

3. Eat Smarter

Eating Less is elementary and will work, but eating smarter is even better. Eat foods that are low on the glycemic index because they keep your energy even and help you to maintain fat burning all day and night. Eating to lose weight is important, so choose Low GI foods to keep energy levels even and fat burning at a maximum.

4. Rest And Recovery

Without adequate recovery you can damage you body and health, so make sure you get enough sleep and rest to rejuvenate your mind and body.

5. Exercise Smarter

Any exercise is good, but intelligent exercise is fantastic, it's impossible to form a 100 ways to lose weight list without making clear the benefits of proper exercise methods.

General rules for exercise are that:

Harder is better, longer isn't,

Good form with weight training is essential for safety,

Warm ups are a necessity,

Don't eat before a workout unless you are a professional bodybuilder or an Olympic athlete.

If you learn the right exercises for your body and lifestyle your progress will be far greater. The best exercise to lose weight is weight training as muscle is the ultimate fat burner, so you should try an add some more muscle in order to add fat burning power.

You can also use simple exercises. Most people know you can lose weight by walking a few minutes per day and if you're smart, you will walk faster and get the heart rate up.

You really can lose weight by walking.


6. Cheats/Rewards

Having a naughty meal once or twice a week is fine and should be seen as a reward for your hard work. Never cut your favorite foods out of your diet or you'll cave in eventually and eat them by the bucket. Plan to have your favorites once or twice a week and have something to look forward to. This solution really works , because you never really go without.

It means you can still eat and lose weight.


7. Hide The Bad Food

Out of sight out of mind - hide the junk from plain sight to avoid temptation.

8. Substitute

Find subs for bad food like lower fat milk, reduced salt/fat margarine, fat free sour cream, multi-grain bread and many other great alternatives.

9. Park Further Away

Don't try to score a lazy close park, instead find one that makes you walk a little further - C'mon.

Walk that little bit extra, it's a fast way to lose weight


10. Protein

Protein doesn't spike your blood sugar and give you insulin lows, it doesn't get stored as fat with ease, it makes you feel fuller, it lowers the g.i of the carbs that you eat with it and its good for cell repair - add low fat protein sources to your diet.

11. Fiber

Fiber cleans your insides, speeds up your metabolism and helps you lose weight. Of all the examples on this 100 ways to lose weight list, fiber is one of the most important. You must have fiber to be healthy and it's easy to find in low g.i foods, so if you eat right you'll get enough fiber.

Adding fiber to the diet is a great way to lose weight really fast, because it really speeds the metabolism up. In fact I believe it is the most underrated way to lose weight really fast.

Fiber Works!


12. Drink More Water

Not having enough will kill you - "nuff said".......well there is more to it. Drinking plentiful amounts of water stops you from retaining water under the skin, in fact you can lose subcutaneous water that looks like fat just by drinking enough to let your body know that it doesn't need to store water.

13. Challenge

Challenge a friend, you can always push yourself that little bit further when you are competitive.

14. Spice It Up

Hot and spicy foods can give your metabolism a little kick by increase your body's thermal rate. Just heat it up to speed it up it's one of the easy ways to lose weight fast.

15. Cool Down

We burn more energy during colder temperatures because the body works hard to warm itself up. Some body builders purposely chill themselves in the air conditioning to burn that little bit of extra fat.

16. Never Miss Meals

Skipping a meal lowers your energy and helps you make terrible, hunger induced eating choices. One helpful solution is to keep prepared meals in the freezer, then you can just zap 'em in the microwave. Easy>

17. Recruit Help

Get professional help from a dietitian or a personal trainer if you feel you need the plan or the push. A personal trainer or a life coach can give you the motivation to lose weight that you need, so it might be a wise investment.

18. Don't Sit - Stand - Don't Stand - Walk - Don't Walk - Run

Keep active and look for to increase your fitness levels, don't be lazy - Sprint. 8/10

19. Make A Plan

Keep a plan of attack and you are far more likely to succeed. Have a goal, then plan a path and stick to it.

20. Night Time Lovin'

A little physical intimacy has been shown to burn the calories, so a lot of physical consummation can burn a lot of calories. Be an animal...Grrrr.

21. Find Healthy Eateries

The time will come when you are going to eat out and can't avoid tempting foods - find healthier choices like Sushi trains or middle eastern food that are better for you than greasy won tons or nachos.

22. Be Focused

You will see a lot of gimmick products and new fads, but maintain your focus on the job at hand - Don't get distracted by crazy ways to lose weight like vibrating body shakers.

23. Get Friends On Board

It is so much easier when you have friends doing the same thing that you are doing. You can talk in depth about weight loss and compare notes (or 100 ways to lose weight lists) and really support each other. Competing with friends can give you huge motivation to lose weight.

24. The Tape Is The King

If the Measuring tape is the king and then scales are the prince's pet hamster. I hope you understand the comparison because the tape tells you where you lost weight and where to gain muscle and gorgeous shape, but the scales can't ever tell you about body composition...only weight and that isn't enough.

Many people get disheartened when they weigh in and find they have only lost 100 grams this week - that's only your net loss. You might have lost 2 pounds of pure fat but gain 2 pounds of fantastic, shapely sexy muscle - only the tape can tell you that. Muscle gain is frequent in those who exercise to lose weight so use the tape as your main guide to progress.

25. Be Positive

Your negativity can severely hinder your progress, but positivity can help it. In fact positivity creates new ways to lose weight.

26. Be Assertive

Misery loves company and you'll soon find those people who are eating emotionally will want to bring you down too. Quickly you can find that others have no respect for your commitment to healthy eating and like a little devil on your shoulder they will try to tempt you with forbidden delights. Be assertive, make it clear - You are eating healthy and they need to respect that.

If I had a dollar for every time I heard the phrases: "just one won't hurt you" or "just have a bite"....UGH!

27. Good/Better/Best

If we want to avoid butter then we would think - Margarine is good, Low fat margarine is better and no margarine at all is best. Can you see how there are varying degrees of good choice? Making the best choices leads to the best results when applying ways to lose weight.

28. Supplements

When people need to lose weight fast they often turn to supplements.

There are too many awful products to name but there are a few good ones that can assist you in burning weight. Something you should know is that no one product will elicit more than a 1% improvement on your body think about that number 1% and think of better things you could spend your money on like good, healthy food.

Use supplements when you have a good physique and a 1% difference will really mean something.


29. Meal Replacement

These little formulas give you the option to have a quick nutritious feeding without having to skip a meal. Be very aware of the ingredients, please read the labels.

If you need to lose weight fast, meal replacements can save you meal preparation time and spare up time to exercise

30. Seek Motivation

Look for the body you want and use that as inspiration to better yourself - Motivation is very important. Once you have motivation to lose weight you may find it a whole lot easier than if you're just going through the motions..that's just drudgery.

100 Way to lose weight - Deep Breath , we are a third of the way so far!

31. Eat Low Density

Low density foods have very few calories but can fill you up. Good low density foods includes celery, mushrooms, onions, green leafy vegetables, cabbage and cauliflower.

Low density foods control your calorie intake to lose weight. Once you learn to use them wisely, you'll find you can adjust your calorie intake to lose weight very easily indeed.


32. Be Realistic

You are not going to look like Angelina or Brad by next week, so play with some realistic goals and set yourself an achievable benchmark that you will be proud of.

33. Set An Example

Earn the respect of others (especially your children) by controlling your weight with good sense.

34. Get Smarter - Know More Weigh Less

Educate yourself on good eating and exercise practices and your application will equal accelerated weight loss.

35. Pamper yourself

As a reward for losing weight get a massage or something nice.

36. Stretch

Stretching improves circulation and can make you more relaxed and supple. It also assists in recovery.

37. Protect Your Assets

Muscle is what burns fat, you must absolutely understand this to reach maximum fat burning. Protecting your muscle is insuring success.

Eat adequate protein every day at least 4-6 times in a day around 30-40 grams of protein. If you don't have enough protein then your muscles catabolize and's very bad for fat burning when the metabolic furnace shrinks.

38. Breathe

Oxygen is fat's greatest enemy because it burns the fat away. Breathing exercises can help increase oxygen intake and assist in fat burning.

39. Don't Stress

Stress releases cortisol a hormone that breaks down precious muscle for energy. That is a big No-No. Relax and keep calm or at least learn some stress relief ideas to practice. Don't stress - You'll live longer. Low stress = Good health.

Don't think you cannot lose weight because you can.


40. Variety

Don't get bored with your workouts, change them up to keep your mind fresh and your body guessing. Always look for new ways to lose weight sensibly though

41. Teetotal

Alcohol is bad. Well..duh!...but it really can inhibit your progress. Excess alcohol stops the fat burning process cold, as the body burn the alcohol as it stores the other energy for fat. Alcohol also helps you make poor nutritional choices, so teetotal more often.

42. Intensity

Intensity of your exercise will match in direct proportion your results, so increase your intensity to get the best possible results from your workouts.

43. Antioxidize
Antioxidants can help counter the free radical damage that occurs to your cells during and after exercise. Fresh fruits and vegetables are the best most plentiful sources of antioxidant goodness and the health benefits are amazing.

44. Long Term
Your journey is a long term one so be sure to plan that way. Cabbage diets don't work because they are a two day quick fix for a life time problem. Be smarter than that and look at the long term picture.

45. Rest Your Mind

When your not exercising stop thinking about it and look to something else. It is easy to get caught up in the excitement of losing weight but too much of the same subject will eventually cause you to lose concentration.

46. Sport

Find a sport you enjoy and join up and join in. Sports let us exercise without us even knowing it....well sometimes

Playing a sport you enjoy is one of the easiest ways to lose weight there is.

47. Never Starve
Starvation leads to hunger and hunger leads to snack attacks. Eat 5-6 small meals a day and you'll never go hungry again.

You cannot lose weight staving yourself - Either hunger wins or you die!

Sorry to be blunt, but it's that simple. Enough said!

48. Timing

Timing of meals is crucial. Never eat before a workout, never eat before bed, always wait an hour after a workout before you eat to reap the fat burning rewards, eat most of your carbohydrates (75%) before 3pm. Good timing can make a difference in your results.

You cannot lose weight when you consume a massive bowl of pasta right before. Such poor timing dumps unneeded calories on your metabolism at it's slowest point.


49. Habit

Make it a habit. Once you put in the hard yards, your good work will become a habitual-positive-pattern which will easier to continue with.

50. Enjoy It - Well Most Of It

The healthy journey can be great fun, you just have to be excited by the benefits. Don't worry about what foods you can't eat just look forward to a reward meal a couple of times a week, with the knowledge your never that far from your favorite food .

51. Fidget

Wriggle, jitter, fidget and just move. The extra energy expenditure you can use from fidgeting can be significant, so don't sit still for a minute.

52. Get A Dog

Dogs require exercise, which is great because some one has to walk and run them and that someone is YOU.

53. Small Plates

When you have smaller plates you eat less and when you have larger plates you eat more, so get smaller plates.

54. Clever Condiments

Not all condiments are created equally. Mustard is better than mayo, ketchup is better than relish and yogurt is superior to sour cream. Read the labels.

55. Good Advice

Every other person in the gym is on hand to tell you the best ways to lose weight, but the best people to inform you are the ones who are already in shape - because what they do is already working.

56. Shyness = Weight Gain

Shy people weigh more - it's true, because shy people socialize less, watch more T.V and eat more junk. Build your social network and get off the couch and find new ways to lose weight and live.

57. Be Your Chef

Prepare your own food, then you'll know whats in it and make it healthier.

58. Herbs
Use garden herbs to add flavor to dishes and you can reduce the salt content.

59. Fresh Is Best

Eating wholesome fresh food is the tastiest and the healthiest of the ways to lose weight, so be sure to buy fresh produce - often.

60. Kill Cravings

Cravings can be controlled with a diet high in fiber and supplementing with chromium which reduces insulin sensitivity and suppresses sugar cravings.

Taking chromium is one of the best ways to lose weight and one of the easiest

100 Way to lose weight - Deep Breath 2

61. One Diet

Do not mix your dieting strategies or you could end up with disastrous results. Pick what works for you and stick to it.

62. Cycle

Straight after we tell you to stick to one, we tell you to cycle one diet with another.

Let me explain I want you to stick to one and only one for a period of time and then after say - 2 months try another one for 2 weeks. This helps keep your body guessing and lets you see how effective other strategies are (without combining them).

63. Loose Clothes = Loose Commitment

Don't just wear baggy clothes all the time or you'll lose sight of why you need ways to lose weight.

64. Gum

100 ways to lose weight and we put gum in here? Well, for one chewing gum burns over 11 calories an hour so if you chewed gum for 1 hour per day you could lose 2 pounds a year, it ends up sounding like one of the better ways to lose weight. Now it sounds a little less crazy doesn't it?....of course it has to be sugar free gum or it defeats the purpose..O.K.

Could this be the easiest way to lose weight ever?

65. Mini Exercises

These are the things you can do while watching T.V or sitting at work. Mini Exercises include sitting calf raises, seated thigh extensions and squeezing one of those forearm working hand grippers.

66. Throw Out The remote

Throw away your T.V remote and change the channels manually.

67. Take The Stairs

Don't use the elevator, instead use the stairs and really shed some extra calories.

68. Take The Kids To The Park

Have some family fun with the kids and burn a few extra kilojoules while you're being the good parent - what a socially responsible way to lose weight.

69. Bike

Bike to work and you could save some money on transport costs as well as burn the fat away. This is simply one one the most effective ways to lose weight.

70. Renovate

A little bit of physical labor can reap you some financial gain as well as some loss - of weight that is.

71. Learn The Housework Workout

A handy little way to turn chores in a fat burning workout. The Housework Workout is one of those convenient ways to lose weight that fit nicely into a busy schedule.

72. The Virtuous Cycle

Good health in turn creates good health. When you lose weight you have more energy to work out and lose more weight and work out and lose more weight and............

73. Intend To Impress

If you aim to impress someone then you give yourself motivation to change. Just be sure to use what you have learned once you have satisfaction is impressing your desired target.

74. Satiety

It is important to feel full, this stops hunger induced binges and keeps you in control. Eat plenty of low g.i carbs and low density foods to feel full.

75. Never Miss Sleep

If you're tired you will miss workouts and eat the wrong foods - Control your destiny by controlling your sleeping patterns.

76. Emulate

Look to emulate someone else' success and find comfort in the fact that they managed to do it.

Knowing that some one else has found the right ways to lose weight can benefit you enormously.

77. Be Responsible

Take 100% responsibility for your actions, by taking all the blame you also take control and eliminate negative excuses.

78. Take Other Improvements On Board

Remember the virtuous cycle?...well, if you self develop other areas you find extra strength and build confidence in areas that will assist with further weight loss success.

79. Fiscal Reward

Plan a fiscal reward for you physical work. Buy yourself something with the money you save from cutting back on junk food and fast foods.

Even better for your health, buy something healthy will your money.

80. Make New Healthy Friends

Meeting new people is great, but meeting new healthy friends is even better because it adds an element of successful influence to your life and you can't buy that kind of positivity.

You may even learn new ways to lose weight from them by learning from their experiences.

81. Watch Weight loss Shows

These can be great for motivation and support, as well as providing you with helpful ways to lose weight.

82. Low Fat Diary
One thing we noticed when compiling 100 ways to lose weight was that diaries for recording workouts and eating plans are common.

Another new idea growing in popularity is the low fat diary in which you only record healthy meals and on every 10th page you can put down something naughty. It helps to count down the healthy meals towards a delicious reward.

83. Blue

Blue is a color that is shown to assist the weight loss mentality, so wear blue frequently to see if it helps you.

84. Plan Ahead

If you are going to be out of the house for an extended period of time plan to take a meal replacement shake or a healthy snack to avoid grabbing a fast food option.

85. Suck It In

Your stomach that is - your stomach muscles can protrude if you let them, so always be conscious to squeeze that tummy in tight. This can help shrink the abdominals (a good thing) and eliminate the protruding belly look. Just squeezing your tummy in can burn calories and tine the waistline and it's one of the easiest way to lose weight.

86. Mint

A minty mouth doesn't want to eat, so brush with a strong minty toothpaste because it really can help to suppress your appetite.

87. Roasted Nuts

Eat nuts roasted without salt for a healthy snack, but be careful not to eat more than a handful.

88. Standby Dinners

Have healthy frozen dinners on standby for those times when you are tired and fast food seems to beckon you.

89. Salt = Bad

They call it white death because it raises your blood pressure and dries out your blood. Stay away from salt if you desire a clean healthy eating diet.

90. Learn From Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes, so learn as you go and let your mistakes serve you better to deal with the future of your plan.

91. Set Boundaries

Have some clearly defined boundaries so you know exactly what you can and can't do within the parameters of your plan.

92. A Little Is A Little

Measure with care and be sure that a nibble here and there don't turn into gapping big bites.

93. Say What YOU Want

Don't be afraid to ask for a healthier version of something on the menu or for something that isn't on the menu.

94. Get Back On The Horse

The key to anything worth achieving is persistence and if you persist, no matter whether or stop or do something the wrong way, you can always win. Be Diligent and Vigilant.

95. Control The Sweet Tooth

There are many good sugar substitutes out there, you just have to find the one that is right for you. There are also little sugar free treats that you can buy that are very tasty without the sugar blues attached.

Finding a decent sugar substitute is one of the simplest ways to lose weight because you really don't have to change too much.

96. White Flour = No No

We were told for years to eat more bread and pasta, but those assumptions were not as sound as they appeared. White bread and white pasta are almost as bad as common table sugar when it comes to blood sugar, so stay clear of any white flour products.

97. Al Dente

Al dente means firm to bite and in Italy it is how they serve all their pasta. Westerners tend to over cook their pasta raising the g.i level, so try cooking your pasta "al dente" and you will lower the g.i value of it.

98. Fresh Air

Get out in the fresh air often, it invigorates the body and mind with it's purity and can energize you to walk or run. Don't stay inside couped up like a farmhouse chicken, get out a live and burn fat and lose weight - Have fun.

99. Walk During Phone Calls

When you are on the phone walk around and get some exercise, don't just put your feet up and yakkity yak. Yet another one of those easiest way to lose weight. How hard is it to walk around with the phone? - Not Very

100. Use Caffeine

Not often, but every now and then you can use the fat burning effects of caffeine to shed some extra calories. Don't use caffeine too often or you'll become caffeine insensitive and it won't work for you.

Smart caffeine use is one of the easy ways to lose weight fast, but it has to be done right.

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