Thursday, June 30, 2011

the good habits for your mind

The connection between mental health and physical health is well-documented. Follow these suggestions for great habits to help keep your mind healthy.

* Meditate. Daily meditation, even for just five minutes, can greatly reduce your stress level by helping start your day centered and free from worry.
* Take a bath. Soaking in a warm tub surrounded by quiet and calm can work wonders on the stress from the day.
 * Be grateful. Take the time to reflect on the wonderful people and things in your life. Being grateful positively affects physical health.
  * Forgive. Learn to let go of anger and grudges so you can focus on more positive things in life.
* Thank the universe. No matter how you thank the universe, be it through prayer or simply acknowledging the beauty of the natural world, take a moment to acknowledge your appreciation every day.
* Be adventurous. Open your mind to new experiences. Don’t shy away from something just because it is unknown, instead, embrace the opportunity to try something new.
  * Keep in touch with emotions. Identify your emotions and accept them for what they are rather than pretending they don’t exist to stay healthy mentally.
* Think positively. Positive thinking puts you in the right frame of mind to accomplish your goals, help you appreciate what you have, and generally keep you happy and healthy.
* Smile. Smile and laugh often to help you feel better as well as those around you.
  * Confidence. Even if you are trying something new, remain confident and you may be surprised to learn how good it makes you feel.
* Flexibility. Learn to be flexible even when faced with something you may feel uncomfortable about trying. An open mind not only teaches you something new, it goes a long way to helping you stay happy too.

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